Lindsay Falvey's Books

Derek Tribe FTSE, OBE, OA was a remarkable Australian international Australian agricultural scientist, who as a young academic migrated from England to assume the mantle of Sir Samuel Wadham at the University of Melbourne in the 1950s. From that base he was instrumental in the creation in Africa of what became the International Livestock Research Institute – one of the 15 green revolution centres that support third world research. Having expanded the Faculty of Agriculture and modernized the agricultural science course at Melbourne as Dean, he retired early from the University after having touched the lives of hundreds of young agricultural scientists. He then became the first Executive Director of the International Development Program of Australian Universities and Colleges – IDP. Charismatic, driven and politically astute he next reoriented his considerable skills and networks to form The Crawford Fund, to raise awareness and support for the critical role of agricultural research in the third world, under the auspices of the Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. Tribe’s vision in creating The Crawford Fund remains relevant and is presented here, with his work in international livestock research and development, as one of his great legacies.This biography traces Tribe’s family origins in Portsmouth through his formative years in Reading, Aberdeen, the Rowett Institute and Bristol, and describes how, after tasting Australia on a short- term Nuffield Scholarship, he came to spend his remaining 47 years living there and working internationally. Professor Lindsay Falvey is the author of several books on international agriculture and other themes; this is his first biography.


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